Good Soldiers Follow Orders
Does anyone have ever seen Clones using their Thermal Detonator on their back?
We're meant to be expendable
ROTS in a nutshell
I’ve prepared my whole life for this.
Obi-Wan the Ladies man
Mercs are good MANN
How 2Fort citizens think TF2 Mercs
How did St. Gloriana students get their Tea nickname?
So, how will Darth Vader eat?
I don't like zhe Juice
I don't like zhe juice
I don't like za juice
No wonder why Mr.Krabs is red
We're meant to be expendable.
We all felt the same
Helium the Noble Gas
That Sith Master in question
Mann Beer is real
That should have been interesting
In my book, experience outranks everything
Rex is having PTSD from Order 66
Wrong Movie Ford
It never ends