Quick reminder that bullying is never okay
Sex does NOT determine your self worth.
Fellow men, is flaunting success/wealth justified?
UTD classes on the black market
Need volunteer hours for JSOM, Greek life, or Pre-med programs? Here’s your Virtual solution:
It'll get better.
do you ever wonder how the fuck your desi parents had sex?
Do I have to purchase regalia from UTD?
What does this mean? CourseBook: Evaluations
What was it like for you the first time you learned a woman was attracted to you?
Options for homeless living on/near campus?
UTD has a streaming service!!!
What makes a man more susceptible to be made fun of?
Goodbye Daily Health Check
Should I take Calc 1 and 2 at a CC over the summer before entering UTD as a freshman?
What are some hard truths men need to hear today?
Transfer Student needs friends please
No more masks / quarantine for vaccinated students??? wtf
What are your views on drugs?
any desi had children young
Are there any undergraduate classes that focus on blockchain technologies and crypto?
Instead of looking away, just nod and smile.
Buying Graduation Regalia 6’1” (175-180lbs)
ITSS 3311 course
Potentially my fall 2021 courses, any Professor suggestions??