RDL 180kg x 10
21 Weeks Out Natural
140kg Front Skwot
22.5kg Pull Up x 10
140kg x 6 Frontsies
19 Weeks Out Natural WNBF
Oly while on a Deficit
95kg Power Clean
20 Weeks Out BB Comp 8 Weeks Out Oly Comp
Natural Bodybuilder answering your ''Malaysian'' Fitness questions!
30 Weeks Recomp. 20 Weeks Out from my 2nd Show
PSA: Regarding the recent local protein brand drama
30 Weeks of Recomp! Around 90kg
Harga sebuah kebodohan dan kemalasan
180kg Zombie Squat Depth?
27 Weeks Out 90.8kg 2nd Natural Competition
29 Weeks Out 179cm 91kg
Back Flow around 90kg here
160kg x 12 Depth or Nah?
70kg BTN OHP x5
140kg Raw Frontsies
Offseason Check in @ 88.9kg
How do I pay this saman?
Can bulking cause allergies to flare up?
53 Weeks Out. Holding at 90.8kg