What do you think is the best song ever written about your country?
What country would you choose to live in for the rest of ur life if you had to choose?
What professional drummer does George Costanza most closely resemble in technique?
To what conversation / scheme / idea / situation in Seinfeld would this phrase be fitting as a reaction?
Testing uploading a gif...
What are your Thoughts on your country's subbreddit
Who are the top 3 legends of the football team you support?
Ménage à trois
Nikki (The Beautiful Godzilla) wins as Jerry's most beautiful girlfriend. Time to choose George's GF with the best personality.
Rodrygo makes it 1-0
The Greatest Live Jazz Concerts
Lenovo Yoga Solar
The Mackinaw peaches
Any reactions from Dominicans on Zoe Saldaña winning the Best Supporting Actress Oscar?
As a Jazzhead, name me an album you love that is literally the furthest away from Jazz Album as it can get
"Soundtrack to a Coup d'État" – History/Jazz Documentary: Has Anyone Watched This?
Found at Goodwill
Como aprendieron ingles por ustedes mismo?
John Coltrane • “On Green Dolphin Street/Walkin” • 1960 [Reelin' In The ...
Albums similar to Hank Mobley
What's your favorite Jackie Chiles moment?
Eggs are too expensive. Kramer was right to get that chicken.
Latina-Spanish marriages has grown a 50% what do you think about it?
What was the most unlikely underdog soccer champion in your country? (Liga / Cup)