Can I be a femboy if I breathe air?
Just had a bad experience
put your playlist on shuffle and tell me what song came first
How many of you guys are furries?
Femboy sexual orientation survey
Don't know what to do
Give me one underrated feminine clothing/accessory that looks great to femboys
New Femboy
Im working on an ARG
Where do yall get your fem clothes from?
Got my first thigh highs!
Are there any other femboys who are asexual? Please give me your input.
Tell Me At Least One Positive Thing About Yourself ?
Romania is NOT the land of the femboys (rant)
My first day of crossdressing in school went horribly
Need more defense for my main to push world 3, but nothing works. Just passed the Thermomitor map and have been just using food, but now I need to start getting more defense. Any suggestions???
What is your weirdes skill
Loosing weight?
Finally got my first AEG! Any suggestions for upgrading?