It's tHe PaTriArChY's FaUlt (Also see the original post, included here)
Bra self destructed on my body - twice
gender and friendship is really frustrating at times
No one seems to have an explanation.
I'm at 5,857 days of being single, what's your record?
Are men responsible for the “objectification” of women?
Possible fixes for the main passport bros sub
Guys, please don't do this to women. It's called stalking or being a “creep,” as they would say.
TV Light Simulator found in store
Most common ethnicity of White Americans by county [OC]
If you're under 30 and working remotely - it's delaying your level up.
On a livestream nonetheless. You truly can't fix stupid.
28000 year old discovered stone
Nice ✨
Is this raw? First time making steak
What bird is this?
Would you sleep with a married woman?
I’m tired of American women’s hypocrisy
Well, what are you?
My mom thought this was real... Facebook is filled with videos like this now...
Number of virgins in America hits record high
Western women love to gaslight good men into thinking they are bad people
It’s me thinking dirty or it’s actually looking like one?
What’s his name
Why are Virgos cold?