If men get a boner by seeing a girl, what happens to girls when they see men?
What's your best adopt me pet?
Which song?
If you were sent back to ancient times with all your current knowledge, what would you try to create or invent to advance civilization?
How to respectfully decline a cum racer challenge?
Anyone wanna help me out?
What makes your private part smell like fish?
Tips on how to log off discord
Before everything fell apart :(
if every number divided by itself equal to 1, Why isn't 0 divided by 0 is not considered 1?
Just started watching "Better call saul"
Girls of Reddit, how do you feel when boys stare at your butts/boobs/feet?
How to be active and not be tired in the morning at school?
If diseases didn't exist, what's the first thing you would do?
General Questions & Tech Support Megathread | August 30, 2024
What would you do if you become a kid with your current mindset?
What would happen to this guy if he faced prime Jim Hopper ? (Season 1 Jim Hopper)
What's your favorite thing about GTA games?
Whats the most badass person in the history?
What's the most saddest, emotional, scene in stranger things series??
What made you an introvert?
What's the best thing that happened to you after sex?
Any movies like stranger things?
What part of your body you're mostly proud of?
Just finished stranger things.