What does my top 6 say about me?
Sneaky Galactus
What’s the first thing you’d do as Batman?
Does your oc have one eye or cover one of their eyes?
It’s International Women’s Day! Who’s your favorite female superhero?
People who are against Waluigi in Super Smash Bros., explain why you have that opinion.
Characters that look like meatheads but are actually extremely intelligent
Which character should’ve died
I'm curious...
[any literacy] Marcus has been abducted! (more in body)
What's the verdict that surprised you the most?
Accuracy is Everything
Happy women’s day! Send a female oc and I’ll give a very random head cannon…
Choose an animal and I'll make you a superpower related to it
what flusters your oc?
💀 Choose a fear, the first person who comments makes a superpower for you 💀
I'm new here but what do my mains say about me?
Favorite skeleboi
Generally light hearted series decides to take a detour into horror for some reason
Tell me your OC’s defining trait, and one of my OC’s will assign them a song.
Favorite character that makes you embarrassed for liking them do to some other factor
Can anyone help me identify this character?
The category is: cards that got nerfed way too hard.
[Any Literacy] Your OC Sees Night Walker Chilling On Their Couch And Drinking A Pepsi With A bounty paper for your OCs Death Right next to them
What does my top 5 say about me?