Bro was so handsome in the previous seasons,what happened to him?
The hate on Alya makes no sense.
There is always that one guy
This will remain as the most pathetic thing the writers ever did,adrien and felix got done so dirty
I love how adrien's family owned lila and humbled her
Do you think chloe would react to the irony that the people she abused are now superhero team in S6?
OMG climatiqueen FINALLYY
Well that's definitely a retcon just like most of the show
Chloe had all the miraculouses and lost Meanwhile felix won with 1 miraculous,felix>Chloe all day
Yuuichi will always be the underrated goat
A moment of silence for adrien
Yuuichi will always be the underrated GOAT
It will be the most hilarious blunder if they dont actually show how lila got her miraculous
Felix and lila might not be heroes but they carry the show on their back
Felix and mari were the most involved characters in the plot and yet didnt get akumatised,respect🫡
Zoe is so good and wholesome, lovely character with tons of aura
Ladies And Gentlemens never be like adrien, instead learn to be like kagami and call people out
How many aura points did marinette lose in this episode? Writers are doing her dirty
Queen Bee appreciation!
I hate Sabrina now because of her new look. Its giving Beth from Total Drama
Felix and kagami are litteraly so cute best couple behind the love square
Kick this guy off the team 😭🙏
New Butterfly Miraculous Theory (Illustrhater Spoilers)
Good job yuuichi ,it's for the best to not traumatize the kid
Honestly I need lila to be just as efficient as felix in future seasons