Struggling against logbait
Oh well
Did I just got the WORST possible roll which has equal chance of best one??
I've been playing since 2013, I had no idea about unused capacity turning into energy
Can someone make me a semi decent Evo e drag deck
What is something guys should do more when texting ladies?
[PC] [RIVEN] [PRICE CHECK] A riven noob, could I get anything with this?
Best Boss movesets?
[PC] [Riven] [Price Check] How much would this go for?
Rate my deck.
Warframe 800k Milestone Giveaway!
Next Prime Frame: MM or FF?
What to change for air defence
What is the best way to prime wide spread cold procs w/o Frost?
I'm fighting over myself is I should buy the season pass or not.
Any major improvements I can make
Whats your favorite concept of a frame or skin? Heres mine. Credit:anzuarden_art
Heresy armor changes
Who’s the best Warframe and why is it Nezha?
Polarization is redundant...
[PC] [Lich] [Price check] how much would 58% + ephemera be worth ?
[PC] [WTS] [RIVEN] [Price check] are these high stats or should I roll for more ?
Calling All Archon Addicts: put me to shame. how many do YOU have?
How many attempts did it take you your first time? Mine was 268
Fire based build help