Clearly bought account 2500 elo - 1925 in 20 games
wtf faceit explain pls, veteran matchmaking btw, 3x 300 hours WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
They have a guy on 3800 elo and one guy with 3700 elo. Our closest elo is me on 3.3 why do we lose 26 elo for this game?.. Do you guys think it's balanced? @Faceit_Darwin
Si this is what faceit has come too
Playing with Albanians and Kosovar players.
fair match the 3 man stack with good stats was not enough give them the guy with 26 avg aswell :)
New account he just change nickname in old account u/FACEIT_Darwin
Cvncer platform
Yesterday I had 3 trollers in 3 different matches. I told them to take it seriously today I meet this cool guy and my FBI went from 970 to "RED zone" what can I do to encounter this. Soon I will be banned for meeting trollers that are reporting me?
new trio upcoming talent soon major winners
what in the world is this account?
Can i get an explanation why i got banned
why so many new accounts?
Darwin, be kind and ban them
How do i fix this
Faceit Admin Unbanned Himself ?!
what is this Faceit??? new account and 16 win streak??? u dont really care about ur community. Is it sooo hard do to a steam lvl cap??? so many players lvl 0 on steam with few hours???? u get no more money from me
I met a guy on solo q 2 weeks ago
-500 elo
Lost 500 elo cause a guy i met on faceit solo q
What you don't like about Faceit
totally fresh and legit accounts guys nothing to see here
Elo ??
My Subscription ended before 1 game
most frustating feeling when trying to climb elo