Bro I Wasn't Even Afk During This Dude Has Been My Friend For Months Then Does This 😭🙏💀 The Afk Hate Has Got To Stop
[Discussion]Anyone else’s luck as good as mine(I’m dying inside)
Crying about FASh
[xb1]is loon mask rare?
Annoying PA glitch
[discussion]Kicking myself rn
Best armour for Vats commando build
[xb1] H: leaders, Nuka Q, caps W a full set of good armour for my commando build
6 hours of crap and then…. 👏
[XB1] Looking for FSA mask H Leaders
[XB1] H 40K W Leaders 1.5k per
[XB1] h: mods listed below w:offers (no bobbles)
Why can’t all items be listed to marketplace?