Islam is favorable to child mariage and intercourse before puberty.
Nothing prepared me to the "gay ex-muslim", cultlike behavior and basically everything else this was.
Why is Sakura more hated than Sasuke?
Does Batman REALLY not want to kill the joker because of no kill rule?
What is you favorite spidersuit and why?
Did Ibn Qayyim really say that the use of prepubescent slaves for intimacy was permissible during Ramadan?
Can someone refute these claims?
If you were to recommend 20 comics for someone to start reading superman. Which would they be and why?
Both parents Moroccan this really threw me off
Age check
What was your first 5 star(s)?
If you were to re-read the War arc now without the expectations you had on the first read, do you think you would enjoy it more/rate it better?
No offense, but what do people find inspiring about the Quran?
If you were writing a novel about growing up as an LGBT youth in Morocco
I don't feel like I deserve therapy, and I feel lost.
How wide spread do you think male rape is in Morocco?
Maybe it would be about time to change the name of the sub?
Should I just quit the game now?
I can't seem to have the energy for anything anymore.
Similarity between Naruto,Ben 10,& Avatar fans
To make the Sub move a but I got a question, what are some things that madebyou see tge crack in the religion?