A classic game WITHOUT Dr. wily as the villain…?
megaman 10 fans rise up (My opinions on 9 change regularly but 10 has always been top 5
Looking for a computer that will take me through college
How would power ranger shows be like if they were owned by the CW network instead of Hasbros?
Name A Mega Man Game That's Like This.
SoNiC UnLeShEd Is ThE LaSt TiMe SeGa CaReD!!!!!111!!!!
What do you think of "Sonic for Hire"?
The absolute perfect casting
Cant let people think I’m a Redditor with all this karma, Jarvis!
I made some teams for a possible Sonic Heroes style game (and even villains)
Tell me your most wanted sonic wish, and I will tell you how the Clown's nose grants it
Would Spider-Man's 2 story overall be better of Miles wasn't really in it?
What is a robot master name you're surprised has never been used?
Characters who's scenes are so iconic the fandom can mimic it word for word
Single words that activate a whole fanbase's hivemind
What made you get into the sonic series?
You’ve been a villain this whole time
Evil smart guy with no powers is the arch nemesis of the incredibly powerful protagonist
How'd you get into the Mega Man series?
How to get into the sonic comics
What game community is this?
Send me your best Sonic reaction images
Characters who are surprisingly popular in places you wouldn’t normally expect: