1 Orb -> 2Orbs -> All orbs HR... MC all BOE HR.... ONY tank gets 1 HR, guildies get 1 HR, everyone else 1SR
Is the WC staff really an upgrade for my warrior?
Help with sockets on gear
Would it be weird to ask my team leader out for drinks?
Holy paladin or restro shaman for pvp
When the warriors are starting to quit due to lack of gear but your just a chill guy who likes raiding
Tanking on a warrior
Well it finally happened, I vomited on my husband…
Should I play Hunter Or ROGUE as an ALT?
I am at a party rn, and currently 1 month sober! Is it okay if i take 2 or 3 puffs of a j?
10H Rag defeated pre-nerf! The most blessed root placements of all time. Feelsgoodman
Should this rune be Moved to Feet runes?
I Installed Gargul to run pugs how I want them to be run
Hardcore Rogue full sub vs combat daggers
Fresh 60 in SoD, Should I spend the gold for my Epic mount or gear up until I am able to do AQ for the free mount?
In your experience, do women really value personality over/instead of “looks”?
How much do you charge your kids rent?
20M, another Valentine’s Day alone, what can I do to improve so that I have someone next year (for the first time)?
Am I the asshole for not wanting to put my girlfriend on deed of house I’m purchasing?
[ 18 F ] how could i look better?:)
Son is off school poorly. What can I make him watch so he understands the strange excitement/crushing boredom of a weekday off school in the late 80s/early 90s?
I learned my lesson after buying Civ 7 for 70$
Have you ever lived/worked/frequented in a posh area where you elicited a response " You don't belong here Sir/ mate "
How people from 1st world country can be miserable?