Rate my team and i’ll rate yours
Where will you hide it?
Which one?
16-17 (first pics in both) to 19-20 (second pics in both)
Gotta love evolutions
20M, another Valentine’s Day alone, what can I do to improve so that I have someone next year (for the first time)?
cam or rw evo on maradona? only messi is tradeable.
20M, Never had a valentine, what can I do?
Who is your must-complete SBC?
Future stars exchange!!
Fuck Zodiac signs... show me your final Future Stars Evolution!
Me and my friend were wondering what our body fat percentages are, any ideas?
Post one FIFA card that no one will remember but was DECENT
Who is your OP pull from the TOTY promo?
Any striker recommendation ? All the good ones are just free packs xD , my budget now is up 400k
What TOTY did you guys pack OR if you didn't which one do you want to pack?
Send Team
After the longest save up of my life I was finally able to afford a crazy player
Greg is killing it on a bike
Who is your club legend?
My squad so far before TOTY. Show us yours.
999! How many hours have you wasted already?
Before the patch my team was very good. After the patch it all got worse. Can anyone help me with some good tactics? I’ve been using 4411(2) for a while now.
Do you have an expensive player who just doesn’t deliver for you?
Who have you used mentality monster on?