I’m so lost with theology/denominations
Feeling the presence of God
As a Christian, what are your thoughts on this?
Better retention with iPad or paper and pen?
Please avoid the noise and focus on Christ
How can I feel Jesus’ Presence
Can’t do this life anymore
Anxiety and Academics
I’ve gotten weaker since finding Jesus
Is it okay to gaslight myself into academic success?
Question about the Eucharist
Easy steps to take to become more sustainable
Question about mentality and God
What is the stupidest thing you ever did because of a crush?
What’s something in your daily routine that most people would think is a huge waste of time, but you swear by it?
People in college, how and why did you choose your major, and were you pressured into it or is it a dream of yours?
What do you feel is the biggest cause of depression?
What has a staggering amount of lore?
Is this blasphemous? (Not mine)