So is the Pay2Win PSZ-21W Shturm just a base Exoskeleton reskin?
I just got the gauss rifle and spent a lot repairing it, but can't for the life of me find any ammo (batteries) Any advice on where to find ammo and is this gun even worth it? Thanks
Are these guys twins or does he just exist in two places at the same time?
I guess Stealth™ is in now.
Any RPG enthusiasts in here? I am not seeing discussion about the gun at all tbh.
Where did that bandit even come from?
3 Bloodsuckers vs 4 Zombies is the ultimate showdown
Can someone fill me in on the lore of the instakill Monolith sniper terririzing both sides of the Boundary?
Does anyone know what's up with all the fake artifacts at School No1 in Prypiat? Is this a puzzle?
Locked Doors
The point of no return is near..
owl quest
Is the Rebalanced Stock/Rubber Stock Rear blueprint for the Saiga D-12 really locked behind the Point of No Return? There is no way to acquire it before that at all?
Does the "Fast Venting" perk apply to the Heavy Bolter?
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION even after 0.14. No fix so far
Weird Water Appreciation Post
One week in the Zone
Game crashing when looking at Stash.
Stash Crash - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000060 - Any fixes?
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000060 After December 3rd Patch
Will the main story take me to Rostok?
Traders not giving mission?
Probably my favorite weapon SKIN in the game.
The Lost Boys Mission Mastiff Outcomes
The newly released Online mod for Need for Speed™ Carbon is running incredibly well on mobile.