In your opinion, what is the saddest truth about life?
What situation am I in with my female friend situation?
I like my female friend a lil bit but we are both not ready for a relationship.
I like my female friend a lil bit but we are both not ready for a relationship? What does this mean?
Need advice with my female friend.
I need y’all opinions for my situation. What do y’all think?
I need advice for my situation.
I need advice for this situation.
What’s a piece of advice you wish you could give your younger self?
AIO with my situation?
Do female friends naturally grow having feelings with men they spend a lot of time with?
Any advice for my situation?
I need some advice for my situation.
Any advice for getting the 14 pro max?
Is it possible for me to get the iphone14 pro max?
What will society views on men with hairline transplants be in 2025?
Can a person who’s not the smartest be an RT?
When will men with hairline transplants be socially accepted?
The skai jackson situation exposes women take nice men for granted and reward bad men.
The skai jackson situation shows what Gen Z women like and dislike in men.
Where are the best places to get otoplasty, ear pinning?
Any advice on my situation? Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.
How do I stop analysis paralysis?