Riot is making a new league of legend live action film!!!!
New patch note for LoL posted on X. Does this mean Jhin is the main character of League? How does this affect the current lore? Is his name John now?
Pick 1 character.
An attempt at re-writing Cho'gath lore
What if by Riot Korea Insta
In Noxus, unions are not for the heart-they are for the ages.
I can already see it, Pre-Darkin Ascended Aatrox
Harry Lloyd's full answer to any fans asking him if jayvik is platonic, stacked crew Q&A
Frenzerker: Briar vs Tryndamere!
A question on how demons work
When do ya'll think the next series will be announced?
What if Jinx went to Ionia and encountered an Azakana?
We need some black rose representation - plz RITO, give us the pale lady
I miss stormrazor when it had 65% AD scaling.
Why are they keeping Jayce relationship so ambiguous?
Hypothetically, if Mordekaiser won and the entirety of Runeterra is now under his domain, how would he rule?
I was thinking about Arcane and..
Brilliant Commentary on how Arcane Writers failed the show and the fans
Chapter 61-1 RAW
This is a Dylan Jadeja appreciation thread.
Arcane is ruining league’s lore, and I hate it
If you put 2XKO and Wednesday next to each other it means tomorrow in the language of the elder gods. Heh, thought they could get past me?
Jhin past by Sera Phiel!
Syndra and Hwei actually have alot in common