How screwed are you?
Who’s the hottest guy in anime to you?
To my fellow straight dudes, is there any female design that is so sexualized, that it turns you off?
What anime(s) have you still not watched for some reason?
Most gruesome scene in the first episode of an anime?
A Popular Anime Everyone Likes But You Hate? Why?
How long have you been watching anime?
You’re trapped in a room for 14 hours; which room would you rather be stuck in?
Lazarus - English Dub Trailer (Premieres April 5 on Toonami)
Favorite VA role this season?
what are the most addictive anime you’ve ever watched?
Someone just threw all of this out in the trash
Who you taking to defend
What anime character relates the most to this?
What is the cruelist anime/manga you have ever read or watched?
Who are you picking?...
What canon couple made little to no sense to you?
What 10/10 anime had you like this?
Any recommendations thats funny and catches my attention?
Describe your fav anime and let others guess what it is
Name an anime that is peak in your eyes.
Some anime are masterpieces, but almost no one talks about them. What’s an underrated anime that deserves more HYPE ? Mine, Moribito :)
What did Mimi see on the post above?
Murder/Mystery recommandations
No one's more dramatic than this guy