Actors fighting?
Actors that have done something bad in the past?
Real couples?
Tbz and kiss of life dating?
What are your controversial opinions on bl series/actors
250306 THE BOYZ The 3rd Album 'Unexpected' | Concept Photo: Breakthrough (Group)
THE BOYZ - 3rd Full Album 'Unexpected' (Concept Photo - Become Ver.)
The Boyz Fansign Controversy?
Trynna find out if I'm just imagining things? 😭 😭
new to the fandom :))
Kpop tours in the us
250302 THE BOYZ The 3rd Album 'Unexpected' Concept Photo: BEGIN (GROUP)
THE BOYZ - 3rd Full Album 'Unexpected' (Concept Photo - Begin Ver.)
Name a group and others comment the member with the best stage presence
Potential partnership?
250227 - Weekly Deobi Zone
What are blind items called in Korea?
Guide to pre-ordering The Boyz new album ‘Unexpected’
THE BOYZ - 3rd Full Album 'Unexpected' (Track List)
THE BOYZ - 3rd Full Album 'Unexpected' (Logo Motion Teaser)
So, what's the latest gossip in BL land?
Fantasy casting.
2 well known BL actors were caught doing bf stuff to each other in private, one has a girlfriend, she knows and the other became single recently
I am a Thai person who has been following the Thai entertainment industry quite a while, including BL scene, so ASK ME anything.