Found a hat (Arabic > English)
The only way to survive these days is to
This is just a reminder to the homeowners who feel like superman and think they can do it themselves. Call a professional; it could save your life
Tile Roof in Michigan
My late grandfather's guns that my brother left outside.
feminist / leftist books for my younger brother
These absolute ghouls
The gap between liberal media and proletarian rage has never been this stark in decades
Pick only two pills
Not a Mass resident, but really liked this comparison
have the left failed men? or have men failed the left and women and minorities?
Bug Out/SHTF Vehicle
What the hell does it mean to be “an extreme leftist”?
Headphones purchased 1 year ago brand new, I've barely used them. Why does this always happen?
Concealed carry application - is a medical cannabis license disqualifying?
How many of you are armed?
So I Guess I'm Buying A Gun
Please help us name our band
What's this muzzle brake?
Repatriated North Korean soldier walking in between an American (1st Infantry Division) and a South Korean soldier while exiting the Inter-Korean House of Freedom in Panmunjom. 2006 [1800×2251]
found this green can under my bed
Modernized Grease Gun from Khyber Pass
phenomenon of defending 32 acp without owning one?
What a conservative thing to say.. 🙄🤦🏽
What would you do?