Possible scent aggression ?
I passed by this restaurant in Saigon and had to stop just to stare.
What is a rich person thing that you would be totally into if you became rich?
Given minimal info from doctors
People with ADHD what are the things about it that people just don’t get?
What's your reason for not drinking alcohol?
Anyone know what this is?
What's something that's normal to us now, that in 50 years people will look back on us as barbaric?
This is a Dachshund-Pit Bull Mix
Want To Be On The Podcast?
I’m making a “Where’s Waldo” style book but with cats. Post your cat and I’ll paint tiny pics until the page is full!
Help Us With An Episode!
Cintiq 13HD Cable disconnection
Endoscopy wait?
Darragh Ennis
Where does everyone listen to the pod?
I have e an undercut on the side of my head, is it unrealistic to ask for layers?
Bad Drawing or Bad Design?
Why is it so fluffy!!
What is the number one tool/strategy you use to manage your ADHD (not uncluding medication)?
Suprise Announcement
What’s the need for those comments on the boys? Expect nothing less from that rag of a newspaper
[EPISODE DISCUSSION] 459 - LUKE LITTLER - The Nuke's First Exclusive Podcast!
Is V-cut hair outdated?