Narcolepsy, whatever happened there?
Have you heard the good news?
Meadows roommate, Caitlin killed herself
I hope you don’t mind that I’m fucking Irina
The show integrated into your vocabulary
Look at this fucking skifooza!
He’s a Faaaag!
What's different about you?
Guy in there downvoted your every post and comment.
“Is that all you deadbeats do over here is talk about politics?”
Before and way before!
I think it's time for you to start to seriously consider salads
39. She was a fuckin kid.
Cute but fuckin rude
You think I'm going to let some circlejerker shit all over me just because he builds me some ridiculous gaudy fucking ramp?!
Cake day. Give me 1,000 upvotes.
Have you ever met someone who hated the show?
What kind of likeness is that?
Alright but ya gotta get over it
How much more betrayal can I take?
Those were my fawtha's garbage routes
Has The Sopranos ruined your tv experience too?
First thing I think stuck with you, I think, “Ah shit, GODDAMNIT! Razy American AND shitposter”
Those who want upvotes, give upvotes