Suns out, height’s the same.
Cómo definen ustedes la pedofilia?
Got My Results! (White Latina 🇵🇪)
If Portugal and Spain had been Protestant, anti-Catholic countries at the time of colonization, how different would our countries be today?
Para los maes que son adictos a la porno.
Heightism be crazy
Should I try to date a white women
When and how did you realize you were different from previous generations when it came to perspective, lifestyle, culture, and upbringing?
Why are most posts here related to dating?
Do you feel like your childhood in terms of nutrition and health choices affected your height?
Why does the goverments of the korean peninsula refer ro their countries just as "korea"
Why does everyone get triggered by height difference couples?
Is it true that we're all a product of rape?
What is attributed to your nationality for being the "first"?
Será que algún día va a salir alguna super estrella de costa rica?? 🤔
32F 54kg 5”2 haven’t grown since primary school 🫠
Estamos en el purgatorio
Gente que haya ido a África sin una agencia
Caso del motel: adulto y menor de edad
What was your thoughts on Elon Musk a decade ago, versus today?
hii!!! did yall go through an emo phase?
TELL ME I’m not the only one obsessed with Michael Jackson
Wouldn't believe it if I wasn't there
Why are Gen Z people against the porn industry?
Why are there so many andeans in Spain?