Can’t Forgive Myself
Since my dog was 2 months old her third eyelid starting protruding. It gets very red and inflamed, recently there is green discharge too. I've been to 3 different vets and no results. Does anyone have advice ?
How to Forgive Myself
Had him for 11 years, no clue what his breed is.
At Home Euthanasia
Should I get a restraining order?
WIBTA if I tell the guy I'm seeing his sister goes through his phone?
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AITA for refusing to answer to a nickname I don’t like?
AITA for laughing at my wife’s request to help her parents??
AITA for not inviting my father's new gf on a trip with my friends?
WIBTA if I just chose not to go to my sisters wedding?
AITA for telling my brother's girlfriend what he was planning to do before he passed away?
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