Should I buy this (look at all the photo's)
Just repaired this automotive edition ps2 I'm so Happy 😁
Hi I unhacked my Wii trough the "ohenschwarzenegger" method and I have 2 questions
Does anyone know where I can find ps2 phat 30004 reshell tutorial I can't find any
Homebrew apps not showing on Wii menu only on homebrew channel
When I was installing bootmii my controller switched to second player and now I can't continue what do I need to do to switch the controller back to first player (I don't have another controller)
What should I do?
I'm (probably) getting Wii today
Damn this DS is split in 2
Is the psp 3000 battery case supposed to be this big?
Is this rare
How to (if possible) Recover formatted PSP data
Sd card broke inside of the handheld. is this fixable?
Dennys with my psp
Antikythera Mechanism refurbished
Just shell swapped my PSP 2004
Wich one should I buy ?
PSP 2004 shell swapping
What is on my batman game disc
Psp .ctf themes not showing up in ark4
Can I format my PSP trough my PC when I'm in USB mode ?
Is this a charging port problem?
Found my old ps3 and wanted to play some games on it? What would you guys recommend.
My little collection
Is it possible to mod a PSP with a 4gb memory stick?