I will never forgive the Oscars for not even nominating Zac Efron for his performance as Kevin Von Erich in The Iron Claw.
May I present the future leader of the rebellion
Sensei Pot Roast vs the haters
Is this a Beatles and a Pink Floyd reference?
I'm not going sku-wull
Long lasting marriage advice
I forgot to recruit the 108th star
Is there a song you skip (parts of) and why?
Which broken friendship hurts movies the most?
Thoughts on the first Robocop movie? My opinion its the best one and I enjoyed it.
to take an obvious hint from a horse
Secret Trick to getting 10k for cup game easily
Linkedin: today on things that never happened
Is it worth gearing/leveling up every castle member?
Do we know how long The Moth show will be?
Cult leaders be culting
Has Devin ever had an album take as long as Moth?
One Month Later: What does everyone think of Parasomnia?
Gevoelig onderwerp
’Palestijnse vader (49) verdacht van gruwelijke moord op dochter Rayyan (24), houdt zich schuil in Amsterdam’
My parents stoned at a family dinner in 1978.
Lekker carnaval gevierd
Running drills