This is what reality is
Donation reward art of Jade I received from the wonderful Gzeidraws as part of the FE Rally for Gaza campaign
“I do not care for shin megami tensei nocturne”
You too can become a mineral!
Pfft, who needs a lover for Valentines day? amirite?
Tohru Adachi fatally shot at the Dakota
i ranked the persona 5 tracks and i wanted to know what you guys thought
It's ok Rise, you're still a short queen
Cozy has 3 fans and they're all me
Well that's not nice
Looking Broke Joker
Avarage persona fan (me)
Best girl
If r/okbuddypersona was in Persona
Say no to elitism😔
The next generation will be raised by r/OkBuddyPersona
Buy the illegal goods, there's a good lad
To every Microcelebrity please get a job
I appreciate it, but it’s lonely up here…
Louis has an announcement to make (+ alternate version featuring my Ishkiasona bc I am insane)
This post brought to you by Takemi Medical Clinic
i have only one option left, become thirstier
Its uh... its uh... its fake? No real? I don't know buddies I'm gonna need your help on this one
I thought Kendrick was doing the halftime show wtf is this
thank god atlus finally released some actual good merch