What is kensho meant to be?
From the famous_cases Treasury...Dongshan's Bird Path
Sanbo Kyodan
Case 15. Dongshan’s Thirty Blows - (Previously posted on r/Zen)
“Does a dog have buddha nature, or not?” Jōshū replied, “Mu!”
Koan Practice.
Did I get some fortune cookie Zen?
The purpose of this community.
Book recommendations/ Soto
Book recommendations / Rinzai
Kennt jemand einen effizienten weg diesen gelben Belag wegzubekommen?
Dogen‘s Zazen instructions - epiphany.
Practice Thread Zazen Posture
Zen in daily life.
My 20 years old sauna in Finnish row house
Chanting practice (Okyo)
Cushion Talk.
Zen vs Humanism: What's the purpose of your life?
ewk's Wumenguan Case 7: Zhaozhou's Wash Your Bowl
Zazenkai / Sesshin
Practice of Shikantaza
Practice of Susokukan (Breath Counting)
I FEEL empty/lonely, I think it comes from my perception of things and read that meditation and meditation-linked spirituality could help me
Why do i feel like this show is just a big ad for Ram trucks