Super Mutant INT and CHA cap Question
This is what a 104/ 102 gold present looks like.
Ever tried to unlock 100% perks spells enemies in one run?
Just finished Valkyrie and am Shooketh.
This is weirdly one of the most stress free combat games i have ever played
Why is Brandon so adamant for Live action?
Any good starter adventures for Starfinder?
What is Harry's price for the stone?
What's with Mistborns in Era 2?
Twelve Months Speculations
Seriously Mr Butcher?????
RPG for this series?
strongest busted blade counters?
24M DPS, 13k Gold, 10k keys, and 3.2k HP. Is this enough to kill the producer?
New fan here
I saw a picture my mum took of me..
They can neve reconcile
If Bram Stoker's Dracula was a guide to killing Black Court Vampires, why didn't the White Council release books to warn people of their other huge problems?
Major General Toot-Toot Minimus theory
Things Could Get Really Ugly Really Fast (Twelve Months Theory)
Oh my f-ing godd... The 4th ideal.
¿Opinions on this statement by Sanderson? I am very excited about it
Audible issues?
Interesting coincidence I just noticed in RoW