If I handed a bank teller a note that said "I have a gun, give me all your money" while being completely naked and as such obviously not having a gun, what would happen to me? How long would I go to jail?
I have a 5 hour interview on Monday, any suggestions on where I can take the video call?
Do hotels room in the US really have a Bible?
Where can I donate Magic cards to underprivileged kids?
Selling our house -vent
Who actually buys suitcases after you pass through security in airports?
Me 23M, asked my gf 29F if I could donate my sperm and she won't talk to me anymore.
What is a cheaper and safe area of des moines to live at?
My girlfriend (23f) and I (26m) do not want kids in the next 5 years but she is not on birth control and against abortion. Is there a compromise i am missing?
How is anyone supposed to buy a house right now
Minor price drops - helpful or red flag?
I'm just trying to pee
Iowa bill to ban chem trails
AITA for requesting that my wife stop asking me to help with dinner?
How should I decline a social work event?
Christian Preschool?
Have you seen an increase of police driving around in your neighborhood?
I'm going to finally have to hire a recruiter to find real estate agents. I always hated the idea of recruiters, since they annoy the hell out of me by trying to recruit my agents daily. But I have no choice at this point. Looking for any feedback on how agents have been recruited by recruiters.
Am I being insane? Or do I have any case here to live in my house?
Wanting to put down earnest money, but family is insisting I wait until inspections to give them the cashiers check...what do I do?
As a child of the late 90s I don't remember too much about politics pre 2012. Now that I am older I see the hate and animosity was it always like this?
Recommendations where to buy grow lights for houseplants
My boyfriend (32m) and I(29f) have never had sex… it’s been almost 4 years.
AITA for not paying in full for a ski trip I can no longer go on due to surgery?
Why is this storage unit selling for over $11500?