LRC to LR (mobile) quality when editing
Reese’s 1st photo shoot
Navarre Sunset
Meet Mo, also known as Moseph
This is Butter and her 1st photo shoot
Found this hunk of junk for $15 at an estate sale - Scrap it?
just bought my first GPU for $499. did i make a stupid buy?
This is Mo, he helped me test out my new soft box I got for Christmas
Add your cat tongue out photos!
Jack has 2 modes, Serious Mode & Treat Mode
Do you like my acrylic cat paintings?
Master Jack turned on his anime eyes
Jack and his outdoor time
Pancakes went full giraffe mode, kind of weirds me out lol
Boots helping me come out of photography retirement
Priming question and painting
Finally completed my slann Lord Chokae'Soxcinko!
Got a lightbox. Here's a Captain in Gravis Armor I'm pretty proud of!
Why use black instead white when taking pictures of miniatures.
Yuto Horigome performs the smoothest skateboarding trick
Ethernet to bridge router, versus straight to main router
How to choose the right crystal for your specific needs
Notorious B.I.G's mother says she hopes to 'slap the daylights' out of P Diddy one day
Where can I learn about it?
Is this all in camera, or is it a composite?