More Custom Card Ideas!
Hey LSS Next time we get a Draconic Ninja can we get this guy as a hero? He looks sick.
How Did You Play This Week? | Post Your Game Recaps Here!
Can I learn Flesh and Blood in 2 weeks?
PSA: If Magneto pulls NTW, it'll destroy him
The Realm Event
"just fly up" "he only has four jumps"
New skins coming on the 13th
My vegetarian girlfriend is sick of eggs and tofu
[OC] GIVEAWAY! Enter for a chance to win the new ROSE INLAY DICE VAULT![MOD APPROVED]
What fights are just NO NO for you in solo or normal honor runs?
Got King Eitri
Name those pants
Deck suggestions
(Probably) the first 2 Autumn of Agony fights
60 fps is here - White Tiger looks so smooth now
PSA: Limited experiment to investigate lags issue (iPhone 13 users in particular)
What do you do when faced with accounts way higher than yours?
A custom season based on all main villains of the two "Spiderverse" films
The Medusa buff is really good.
Restart or Keep Playing?
Design your own SoS fight
Since most people get Chee’ilth today, what’s some tips you would give to playing her
Idk if it’s a bug or not but it’s pretty fun
7* R3 survey, collecting data to share with the community