Lip lightening treatment
How do I cure evil eye?
What is your istighfar success story??
Why is it haram to shake hands with the opposite gender?
Heading to Umrah, Do you have a Dua you want me to make for you there?
Selling my Hermès perfume (need quick money)
Things i wish to see changed in Uganda 2025;You can drop yours too.
What did you give up for the sake of Allah and how did your life change after that
Am I the only one who hates Indians
To followers and ex-followers of Kakande, Bugingo, Mbonye, Phaneroo, etc: Why do/did you go to their churches?
What has quietly disappeared from society without people noticing in the last 10-30 years?
I think my wife is being petty & selfish. She wants us to separate because of this:
4 g mtn wakanet unlimited
Buses to Zambia?
Home Internet
Best pizza joint in kampala
I will never understand why Muslims think being a feminist is the worst thing ever
Experiencing low iman
Would you recommend the mtn unlimited router?
What did you give up for the sake of Allah and how did your life change after that?
Salam i think i knowingly ate something haram
How challenging is it for intelligent women to find men with whom they can have meaningful conversations?
Bank for a non-citizen.
Advise meeee!