"Wacht auf, Verdammte dieser Erde" ("Arise, ye Workers from your Slumbers") - cartoon by George Grosz from Abrechnung Folgt! (1923)
"Let those who can, swim, and those who are weak, sink" - anti-capitalist cartoon by George Grosz in Abrechnung Folgt ! (1923)
"The Bosses of the Senate" - illustration by Joseph Keppler for Puck, lampooning American big business (1889)
1867 Paraguayan wartime poster showing the "Empress of Brazil", depicted as a black woman, telling Brazilian soldiers to seduce Paraguayan men.
"Come on, Vasya! Enough! Time to work – your wife needs help too!" USSR, 1980
"Cut out Government Waste. Vote Conservative." - Tory general election poster (1951)
A Soviet poster from 1944 depicting legions of German soldiers fated to die in the Russian winter thanks to Hitler's orders.
German caricature map of World War I in summer 1915
"World Peace Day, Rudolf Hess still in prison" Spanish cedade advocates for Hess's freedom (1979)
"End the Abuse of Psychiatric Inmates. Electro-shock, Psychosurgery and Forced Drugging" - poster by Rachael Romero for the Wilfred Owen Brigade (1976)
“We shall not abandon the land where our nation was born” Polish Western Union (1929)
'"America's new partner'' (International Herald Tribune, 2002)
"Fuera el Imperialismo" ("Imperialism, Get out. Only the People can Save the People") - anti-American street art on a wall in Caracas (2011)
"Fight for the International Hotel... Decent low-income Housing is Everybody's Right. It is Right to Rebel against Eviction" - poster by Rachael Romero for the San Fran Poster Brigade (1976)
"To Hell with Their Profits. Stop Forced Drugging of Psychiatric Inmates!" - poster by Rachael Romero for the San Francisco Poster Brigade (1981)
"La Piedrita Venceremos" ("The Piedrita shall Win") - graffiti by a paramilitary Chavist Colectivo in 23 de Enero, Caracas (2011)
"Fuera el Imperialismo Yanqui. Yankee Imperialism Out! Solidarity with the Struggle of the Bolivian Miners" - poster by Rachael Romero for the Wilfred Owen Brigade (1976)
"Free Trade [on Grim Reaper's scythe]. Unemployment. Whose Turn Next?" - Conservative Party general election poster (1909)
Gaspar de Crayer - "Philip IV in Parade Armor" (1628)
What is the best anti-histamine for the treatment of insomnia?
"The Lord of the Flip-Flops: The Return of the Taxes" - Liberal Party online ad comparing ALP leader Anthony Albanese to Gollum (2022)
"Prayer is no longer enough". 1972, Propaganda and film anti-church hierarchy and pro worker's revolution
Lenin: "Art belongs to the people" // Soviet Union // 1980s
"Go to the Collective Farm [Kolkhoz]" - poster by N. B. Terpsikhorov (1930) HQ
Protesters in Istanbul holding a banner saying "Obama, new President of the American Imperialism that is the Enemy of the World’s People, your Hands are also Bloody. Get out of our Country." (March 7, 2009)