Coaxed into Video Game Discourse.
Is there a way to make 1 pawn invincible?
Never wait for genes regrowing again
How good is Ogryn's Heavy Hitter really?
Walk like a crap
Recently 100%ed the game with my family, here's the base I made. Over these ~40 hours. There was still a thousand things I would have improved, but the next playthrough will happen sooner than later!
For the people struggling with the shooties in high Havoc - consider using this also ?
How can I report a game (that I do not own) for having generative AI content without disclosing it on their store page?
In light of the documentary
The Veteran (and Ogryn) in the background when you open your inventory are random.
Why is the right tree for Vet so bad?
New to the game, is there a specific enemy/damage type that goes through toughness?
Zealot Crusher is Fair and Balanced
The "Tree Helper" Mod is basically streight up cheating.
Helbore iron sights are so bad
Quick PSA on Flamer Tanks
Hate to say it but Smyker got pretty powerful now
am I the only one?
Frequent audio stutter/getting kicked from servers, should I take a break from the game?
Im scared but hopeful (mostly scared)
cosplaying this guy
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Ban me forever. Please.
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