Angry with the Lonesome Dove ending
When our work permits end what do you plan to do for work?
Has Daca renewal prices gone up?
What are you reading at the moment?
Dream and promise act 2025
Trump to grant citizenship to South Africans
DACA AP - Expedite Request Denied ???
Any good documentaries/movies on the civil war? English or Spanish. Algunos buenos documentales o películas en la guerra civil de El Salvador?
AP hasn’t been approved
What hope is there for us if
Should i even bother with AP if i have no prospect of getting married or employer sponsorship?
Anyone watching tonight? Chances he speaks on us tonight?
Who is watching joint session of Congress
Advanced parole (dental)
Advance Parole Question
My Experience Being Paroled Through
Advance parole (EWR or JFK)
Selfish question but are you guys still going out to clubs and bars?
Quoted $2500 by a lawyer for advanced parole and ended up doing it myself for under $800.
AP Approved- traveling in April & May
GC sponsor from USC family member
Whats your top 5 Lil Wayne songs?
introducing the dream and promise act again
Watch live: Democrats reintroduce bill giving ‘Dreamers’ pathway to citizenship