Outdoor fun
Which one do you think I should go for?
At what age you had your first flight?
Some of my shots from Aero India 2025
Sunscreen suggestions
Genuinely curious!
What perfumes are the most versatile ones, considering some have to keep only 1-2 for life instead of an ocean of bottles 😁
Drop them names
📸 Sankey Tank
What’s your New Year’s resolution for 2025? Just curious to know what people around my age are up to!
My Sad Christmas in Bengaluru :')
Based on public demand here is the jiggle and inside of the pudding
AITK to ask my boyfriend to delete a story with a girl?
How did girls know he is fuckboi just seeing the pic
What’s the weirdest thing you've ever Googled in the middle of the night and regretted immediately?
Welcome to the holy Swayamwar of u/aggressive_sugar201
Weird rule for endsems 😭
A girl wants to be my room mate. Should I be worried?
Your thoughts on this? Has anyone tried it?
Girl's caught in NIT KKR boys hostel
Well boys, I’m finally 17 years old.
Hostel or Home
Dump. pt 8?
Which team do you think is going to win?