Just encountered Leaker
When everyone is hater buy you're a chill dude
It escaped..
I was walking in old mines in code Frost because some kid said we were gonna play crates in the code but absolutely nobody was there, but then I found this nearby that pot where you spawn Lucy…
No frickin way j.cole beats 2Pac💀🙏
Should I accept this trade? (Those are two of my favorite artists, but I don’t wanna do it if it’s a massive L)
Just encountered Leaker and said a kid’s address and ip address (skip to 2:16 and listen but dont use this video in bad ways🙏 )
Heres the clip with leaker
Drop your unfindable wanted songs
50K Coin Giveaway
How much money out of this?
How in the what bruh?
Hello! Everyone comment artists that they are trying to collect, and tonight I will post for trade every song I have by them! Trying to purge my 60k song collection!
Giving away my whole account cutest pets win
How much money can i get for these? (Be honest)
500k GIVEAWAY!!! Upvote the post and comment ur username, picking 5 winners for 100k each in 4 hours and ill send u a trade
This guys reason is flipping insane, no way hes going to make a trade
Shiny give away
How in the what does it beat my song bro? It hasnt even been 2 weeks since this came out and its already annoying bruh😀
Deleting the acc, giving away 118k coins drop your user
we all voted the same thing right...
stared at a lootbox opening for 1 minute for the LAST time so im giving away most discographies i own and uninstalling 😋
Coin giveaway!+2 rares
Why does almost everybody use frank ocean songs? Its fucking gay bro