Help! How often do I apply steroid cream?
How old were u when u were diagnosed with tourettes?
I wish I was a Monica but I'm a Rachel. What about you?
Smell triggers are getting worse and isolating me from everyone
Grieving my sex life
Curious if anyone on here has TS but no other family members do?
Why am I feeling like this?
Tourette’s and driving
can you tell who my favorite companion is
What’s your island called?
Finally made it to 3 stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Who should I add?
U is for…
What are some random things that soothe YOUR anxiety?
Anyone else gravitated toward certain villagers despite all of them having the same personality?
How do you manage LS in your daily life?
Anyone else obsessed with the number 4?
TS and OCD overlap??
I have a Plan. Half of the island full of crops.
Does anyone wanna buy from my boys?
Advice on painful tic
Pure OCD
Making friends and meeting people
Where do they get these nicknames from? 😂
I have found all my old crazy bones, could I have some help on the value of them please?