Lines that make you laugh no matter how many times you watch, part 1000
What Are Your Thoughts on Rogue One?
Top underrated bands?
I (Jude) was born exactly 40 years after the Beatles recorded “Hey Jude”
Best stands
Anyone know anything about this record
Walmart reseller, strikes again.
Crimson Twins, anyone?
Buy 2 get 1 at Gamestop
I put together a list of all the figures we don’t have yet by year (82-90)
Your best playlist title?
Ignoring Ram and Band on the Run: What are your Paul's top 3 albums?
What is your favorite underated Cover of a song?
Daily Song Discussion #109: Famous Groupies
$19.98 OTD
What band do you dislike but went to see them anyway?
First McCartney album?
Characters from wider g.i.joe expanded universe you would like to see in Classified?
Good songs which include a story as a part of the lyrics?
What movie broke your heart?
Have you seen a recording artist somewhere other than the stage?
Favorite argument lines
Favorite Deacon line
I’m a former Beatle-hater
Which song has the most officially released versions?