Least favorite song?
Thrift haul all $1!!
Need to know your ALL-TIME FAVORITE song. Looking to add to my playlist. I’ll rate as many as I can. Tx!
Weird 90's Songs - bangers with weird subject matter, music style, or lyrics that make no sense
Pop rereviewed by Pitchfork with 8.0 rating
Songs That Make You Feel High Without Actually Being High?
What do you gather from my music taste?
Artists you enjoy musically and their whole image, but you don't like their ego and narcissism, and they seem like someone you wouldn't necessarily get along with in real life.
Whats your favorite band?
Scored this vinyl at a thrift shop for $9. I guess I'm starting a vinyl collection now
U2 Live Album Streaming Wish List
Found this written above the urinal at my local movie theater last night.
I thought JAS was the intro track and Space Cowboy was the finale? Is Apple Music wrong?
Any songs a pothead would like?
"Shiver" was released as the lead single from Parachutes 25 years ago, 6 March 2000. It spawned the B-Sides "For You" and "Careful Where You Stand"
Where should I start with Prince?
who has the best music taste?
Looks familiar…
Drop a song that makes you feel like this?
Covers of WOWY that have a guitar solo
In which Years did I have my Best and Worst Music Taste?
What do I need to listen to?
I think jamiroquai might be the only artist on Spotify with their top five songs being from different albums.
Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel, Japan. 6.4 Kilometers of tunnels.
Nine Lives