Did the Lincoln Avenue Water Company Water Update get delayed?
Max Muncy days until Opening Day.
Anyone willing to share the recipe for Bub and Grandma's Veg Totale sandwich?
Well heck…
Update on Will Smith Bobblehead
Do music/restaurant venues in LA still exist? If so, any favs?
Support/ just discouraged
This feels like something this sub would enjoy!
Textile recycling
FEMA + insurance
What David Berman song makes you want to cry?
Best non-vegan street tacos with decent options?
Sunny Express GFF Vegan-Mexican-Chinese 👍
I’m going to miss seeing Daddy Jack in Blue😖
Tax assesment
For the ladies (& some men) who’s your dodgers crush?
Question for people who have cleaned their vents, attics, etc
Foot massage
$1000 grant per residence for displaced renters and homeowners
Vegan in Japan for 3 Weeks
Where to find reviews or information about food pantries in WLA area?
Brands helping fire victims RESOURCE
Smoke remediation for electronics
TODAY (2/10/25) : Altadena Community Meeting