Who were some relatively young actors you thought were gonna have big careers but they just never lived up to their potential?
Regardless of price, what's the best streaming subscription to have to watch movies?
Do you still use IMDb alongside Letterboxd, or has it taken a backseat? No hate, just genuinely curious about how others feel!
What movie would you add to this list?
One movie where both your favorite actor and actress are the leads? I'll start
What movie had you going like this?
Me when my Letterboxd review gets 2 likes
Who’s the actor that’s going to make you buy a ticket just because they are in the movie? Any of them?
What is your favorite film title?
What’s a movie you think everyone has to watch at least once during their lifetime?
What’s one movie you think everyone should watch at least once in their lifetime?
What’s your most rewatched movie?
Who is a relatively well known actor you didn’t really like or care for until you saw their performance in one movie that made you go “oh, now I understand”?
What are some movies that had a great cast or talented actors who put in good performances but still couldn’t save the movie because of a weak script?
What’s the most cringeworthy piece of acting you’ve seen in a movie that you couldn’t believe it actually made it into the final cut?
When was the last time a movie caught you off guard?
Movies you understand why they are beloved after you watched them
I just finished watching Before sunrise and I feel so overwhelmed
What are some great movies that had some terribly miscast characters?
What is the dumbest scene in an otherwise good/great movie?
What’s a movie that you love that nobody else seems to like?
What’s the most beautifully sad movie you’ve ever seen?
Which director has had the most consecutive commercial flops?
Undeniably the best acting you've seen that cannot be replicated by another