And then they both exploded
A Weird Request
Every copy of Corpse Party (2021) is personalized...
Make the comment section Japhet's internet history
Using your phone in a movie theater is symptom of long covid
Caption this
Tips for getting blood drawn?
Ah, the trusty "Spinning Around Like a Total Idiot and Letting Your Three Brain Cells Guide You" method
how scary is corpse party 2021?
I made my boyfriend guess all of the killing game participants’ talents
Lucky, you are a mummified dog with one ominous glowing eye. You don't need to worry about pulling off the spider web shirt.
First date and then a sandwich proposal not even 1 minute later? Y'know what? Go for it, Zelle.
A Surprising Find At Goodwill
Queen never cry 👑👑
every time 😮💨
I saw this on Pinterest of all places
[humor] CFS Catch-22's 🥲
He played with you all along (Art by Skeef)
Saw this today at a Publix
I made this pile of crap from the angler variants
Do you ever lie to people about your symptoms? (pls read explanation)
bro what???
Oh to be healthy and clueless
Question for the ending of the anime
WTF Google?