In honor of the Avatar: The Last Airbender announcement, here are some old cards I made for the Avatars
Tarkir: Dragonstorm
Behold an Orb (Yes, that's an actual creature type)
Aang, the Last Airbender | Avatar Aang, Enlightener
Tasigur Medallion
Is this combination of abilities still too op in 2025?
My own take on a double mana land
Narset, Enlightened Educator
Specific Murder
Road Work Ahead
Find the Mistakes #89 - Roboto, Sunken Giant
Animate lands Commander?
What deck did he play? (the prize was a drone strike)
Looks like MY Final Fantasy will be Tarkir
a new card got spoiled, can't wait!
Bottom 5 Scoring Submissions of the week from r/Custommagic 18/2/2025
Turbo cells
What’s something you’d change about this season: Power Rangers Jungle fury
Exile is Exile, right?
Glimmer of Hope
An Ancestral Cycle
And your host, me!
Is this as insanely busted as I think it is?