Please explain this
STEM majors and their difficulty
Does anyone else think it's weird when someone thinks you're a high achiever just because you're a PhD student?
Tipping at walk up restaurants not ok
How much can a teaching professor make, at the most?
Why doesn't teaching pay well?
I'm a CARAT, of course I _______(fill in the blank)
Favourite Comp Chem papers?
What are you all studying?
Photo frames on BYU campus?
BYU ID Google wallet?
My 2024 budget as a PhD student, Midwest US state school edition
A seventeen song whose lyrics you misheard in the beginning?
250120 Snickers Korea teases Seventeen member as new Asian Brand Ambassador in "Guess Who" teaser
People skills - How useful are they in Industry/Academia?
Carats, what’s on your 2025 bucket list? Let’s set some positive goals together!
240102 Billboard: Watch SEVENTEEN Play ‘Finish the Lyrics’ | Finish the Lyrics Title
241227 Asian Pop Music Awards Twitter Update: Winners Announcement (Seventeen Won in 4 Categories)
Seventeen two Truths and a Lie
Secret Santa for Your Favs
Which seat are you choosing?
Seventeen Emoji Challenge: Guess the Song
Chances of getting into the PhD program in physics and astronomy?
241126 Seventeen Twitter Update