My Dad Made a Crazy Deal for My College Admission—Now I'm Panicking
What skills should I learn as a 2nd year student pursuing economics honours in order to get a good placement
Japanese people standing on one side of the escalator, so people in a rush could walk on the other side. Can Delhi do this?
i approached a girl in metro and got...
How much Karma points doesn't it require to post on Delhi University vala page
Excluding all happy in love lines, what's a lyric you wish you related to?
I'm so sick of this
Guyzzzzzz is anyone planning for any kind of bussiness or startup ??? I would love to be in ur team
Can anyone recommend some intresting books
I am a clean freak but my roommate is not and we have known each other for 11 years now we are roommates for 1.5 years and she just annoys me